Motor Rewinding Broome


Are you faced with the decision to replace a motor or get it rewound?  As you will know, it is not always easy to find a motor replacement so if you are considering motor rewinding in Broome and looking for an expert that is both efficient and cost effective, you are in the right place!

Allpumps and Water is a one-stop-shop offering rewinds of all types of motors ranging from small domestic motors to large high voltage motors for mine and industrial use.  All our rewinding is carried out by fully qualified tradesmen using high quality parts and with our years of experience in the industry, we have earned a reputation for motor rewinding in Broome.

We use the finest materials for all motor rewinding services including a Class H insulation system and superior quality magnet wire that can withstand more stress and minimise the effect of electrical spikes that always seem to occur. 
Our motor rewinds are pre-heated, dipped and baked in Class H electrical insulation at least twice depending upon the application. They place each rewind under a rigorous test to ensure that it lasts in the field.

We are the professionals in motor rewinding Broome and will assist you in cutting down business downtime and increasing your production efficiency.

When you choose Allpumps and Water electric motor rewinding services, you choose a company with quality and dedication that will keep your motor running long after average rewinds fail.

For an economical and comprehensive motor rewinding Broome service,
Call us now on 9583 3508.